2022/2023 FRANZ Rising Star Project


向勇 Yong Xiang

Professor of School of Arts, Peking University
Vice Dean of Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University

Dr. Hardy Yong Xiang is a Professor of the School of Arts at Peking University (SAPKU) and Vice Dean of the Institute for Cultural Industries at Peking University (ICIPKU), where he is working on a Creativity and Management project.

Qualifications 評審資歷

Jan. 2019 – Jun.2019|The Chinese University of Hong Kong
/Position: Guest Professor,
Aug. 2015 - Present|School of Arts, Peking University
/Position: Professor
Feb. 2011 - Feb. 2015|School of Arts, Peking University
/Position: Vice Dean
Jan. 2011 -Nov. 2013|Business School of London Metropolitan University/Position: Visiting Professor
Jan. 2006 - Present|Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University/Position: Vice Dean
Jul. 2003 - Jul. 2015|School of Arts, Peking University.
/Position: Assistant Professor and Associate Professor

Self introduction 評審介紹

Dr. Hardy Yong Xiang is a Professor of the School of Arts at Peking University (SAPKU) and Vice Dean of the Institute for Cultural Industries at Peking University (ICIPKU), where he is working on a Creativity and Management project. He joined the PKU cultural industries research group in 2003. He gained his Ph.D. (2009) in Management at School of Government, PKU for work on The Research on Competency Model of Creative Managers in Chinese Cultural Industries. He gained his MA in Arts Administration at School of Arts(2003), PKU and his BA in Philosophy (Major,2000), Economics (Minor,2000), Department of Philosophy & China Center for Economics Research(CCER), PKU. Since 2005, he taught the courses, Studies on the Management of Creativity, Strategy and Management of Culture Industries etc. at School of Arts, PKU. His academic interest is focusing on cultural & creative industries, management of the art, culture and creativity, and human resource development & management.

Prof. Xiang has visited some universities in USA, UK, Italy, Australia, Japan, South Korea in these years. He was Academic Visitor, Judge Business School, the University of Cambridge(2010-2011),and visiting scholar at Faculty of Economics Marco Biagi, University of Modena, Reggio Emilia(Otc.2010), Italy. He is Honorary Visiting Professor of Business School at London Metropolitan University since 2010.He is a senior cultural and creative industries (CCIs) consultant to the governments, companies and institutions in China. He was awarded one of the Top 10 Excellent Scholars of CCI in China in 2012. He is co-editors of China Cultural and Creative Industries Reports 2013, which is published by Springer, 2013 and is a joint founder of the International Association of Culture and Creative Industries (London, HongKong).
向勇,四川宣漢人,管理學博士。 北京大學藝術學院教授、博士生導師,北京大學博雅青年學者。現任北京大學文化產業研究院副院長、國家文化產業創新與發展研究基地副主任、澳門特區政府文化產業基金評審委員會委員、韓國文化院文化產業顧問、亞洲文化推展聯盟理事、聯合國貿發會議創意經濟小組專家,曾任北京大學藝術學院副院長、倫敦城市大學訪問教授、劍橋大學商學院訪問學者。主要研究領域為創意管理、藝術經濟與文化產業,先後出版專著《閣樓的大象》《文化的流向》《文化產業導論》《文化立國》《創意領導力》、譯著《文化遺產的觀念》《創意與管理》《創意戰略》、編著China Cultural and Creative Industries Reports (2013)等十餘部;在《中國行政管理》《探索與爭鳴》《學術月刊》《北京大學學報》等期刊報紙發表論文百餘篇。近年來,先後主持國家社科基金重大攻關項目“絲綢之路經濟帶沿線國家文化產業合作模式及共贏機制研究”、國家社科基金藝術學項目、教育部哲學社會科學研究專案、國家廣電總局人文社會科學研究項目、文化和旅遊部委託項目等課題二十余項,主持地方文化產業發展規劃數十項。榮獲北京大學教學成果優秀獎、北京市高等教育教學成果獎二等獎(團佇列三)、中宣部“五個一工程獎”(電影《孟二冬》,出品人)。入選北京大學十佳導師、北京高等學校青年英才計畫、教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫和“萬人計畫”青年拔尖人才計畫。

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