• About FRSP

  • Rules of 2024/2025 FRSS

  • Rules of 2024/2025 FRSA

  • Rules of 2024/2025 RSFP

  • Quick Guide to Uploading your Artworks

  • Origin|

    The predecessor of the FRANZ Rising Star Project was the "FRANZ AWARD” from 2007 to 2016.

    Over the past few years, FRANZ has received feedback pointing out the fact that the "design competitions’ resources are unfortunately provided to a small number of winners, which means most design students have few chances for the prize."

    For this reason, FRANZ has decided to increase the number of prizewinners by creating an exclusive porcelain design scholarship for current students. The FRANZ Rising Star Project aims to arouse students’ passion for porcelain; with the same vision and ideals of porcelain, the project continues to encourage porcelain creations among the new generation.

    In 2020, to encourage pioneering designers to outline the future porcelain, we launched " Future Prize ", with the 1st Prize worth USD$20,000.


    Porcelain has been one of humans’ greatest inventions since the Stone Age; it is solid yet smooth, fragile yet permanent. This unmalleable material has long been fired at over a thousand degrees and transformed into delicate pieces that can be passed on for centuries.

    FRANZ was founded in porcelain and aims to convey beauty with porcelain. In order to keep on exploring the future possibilities of porcelain and to support those with potential among the new generation in their pursuit of excellence in porcelain design, this project offers a porcelain design scholarship to 100 students artworks in order to support their initiative to actualize their dreams.
    The FRSP hopes to alleviate students’ financial burdens caused by prototype expenses.

    FRANZ expects the new generation to fully develop their creativity and become rising stars in design that shine in the future.

    Pic/Of Lace and Porcelain : Soft Contort |Conti Nico(Royal College of Art, UK)
    *2019FRSA Winner


    The Mission of the FRSP:
    "Incorporate the power of the porcelain industry and academia to support talented students who are passionate about porcelain. Encourage young talents to employ their creativity and ambitions to preserve and develop the historic porcelain industry."

    FRANZ Rising Star Scholarship (FRSS) provides opportunities for 100 pieces of artworks each term, and awards NTD$ 30,000 (USD$1,000) for each. Additionally, there are various online and offline activities held for the top 10 winners, such as Révélations at the Grand Palais in France, the Artist-in-Residence program in Jingdezhen, the Ceramics Biennial in the U.K., and exhibitions at the International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza, etc. The project aims to broaden the winners' horizons in pure art and its practical applications in the porcelain industry.

    FRSS expects the new talents who dream to engage in porcelain innovation to shine on the world stage in the future.

    RSFP|Introduction & Theme

    Rising Star Future Prize (RSFP) celebrates the artistic creation of porcelain without any forms of restrictions. Awarding three prizes in total, including the 1st Prize worth USD$20,000, Rising Star Future Prize is calling for works from designers and artists worldwide.
    As one of the most familiar materials in human activities, porcelain is resistant to heat and pressure with high formability, having developed a wide range of varieties in various sectors since ancient times. It can be daily utensils, articles as symbols of status, denture joints and even the key components in aerospace technology. Regardless of the transformations, porcelain, ubiquitously, is capable of becoming anything thanks to men’s abundant imagination and relentless actions. As a result of these beautiful connections between porcelain and human activities, Rising Star Future Prize provides a brand-new stage for designers who dare to cross the boundaries and make breakthroughs, inviting them to seek the future for our civilization and porcelain design.
    The Theme of Future Prize in 2025 is "A Split Second".

    People often believe that
    every fleeting moment slips away.
    However, porcelain has the unique ability to capture fleeting beauty.
    A momentary memory is transformed into an eternal echo.
    An unforgettable story, a memorable timing, a passing cloud
    all transcend time, forever enshrined in porcelain.

    The FRANZ Rising Star Project extends a heartfelt invitation to you,
    to immortalize your most treasured moments
    through the artistry of porcelain,
    Let the shining of “A Split Second”
    turning a fleeting instant into an everlasting radiance,
    a guiding light in the night sky, shining like the North Star, eternal and unwavering.

  • Rules of 2024/2025 FRSS
    FRANZ Rising Star Scholarship (FRSS) is adjusted to a biennale project since 2020, which will be held in every odd year.

    I. Number of Scholarships

    FRANZ Rising Star Project 2025 (hereinafter referred to as FRSP) will award a total of 100 scholarships.

    II. Amount of Scholarship

    1. FRSP scholarship amount: NTD$ 30,000 per scholarship.

    2. The scholarship will be paid in TWD, RMB, USD, or EUO based on the exchange rate on the day of transfer.

    3. Additionally, the scholarship winners are responsible for the relevant handling fees and incidental taxes. These expenses will be deducted from the scholarship.

    III. FRSP Application Window

    From 5 March (Wed.), 2025, 12:00 noon to 31 July (Thu), 2025, 12:00 noon. The application time is according to GMT+8, where the organizer is located.

    IV. FRSP Application Process

    Applicants can only apply to the FRSP through the online application. Please follow the instructions on the FRSP official website. The organizer will not accept applications submitted via any alternative methods.

    V. FRSP Scholarship Announcement

    27 October (Mon), 2025, 18:00 on the official website. The announcement time is according to GMT+8, where the organizer is located.

    VI. FRSP Application Qualification

    1. FRSP 2025 is open to all applicants who meet the criteria explained below.

    2. The applicant must be a current student studying in 2025 or a recent graduate, awarded a degree between 2023 to 2024.

    3. Applicants must be registered as students before 31 July 2024. A student ID card with current year register stamp or a transcript of the last semester or a certificate of enrollment or a diploma must be provided as proof of applicant’s student status. Recent graduates must provide proof that they have received their degree between 1 June 2022 and 31 July 2024.

    4. The participating current students should be studying for an associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or doctoral degree. Only the academic registration date is taken into consideration. Age, years of study, and discipline are not qualifying factors.

    VII. FRSP Entry Qualification

    1. The entry must be complete. Drafts, 3D modeling, and prototypes not made of porcelain will not be accepted. The organizer has the final right of review.

    2. The entry itself must be more than 50% porcelain. As for the proportion of porcelain in the work, the organizer has the final right of review.

    3. The artwork must be original. If the organizer is informed that a submitted artwork is a counterfeit, an imitation, or otherwise infringes on the copyright and originality of another artist’s existing artwork, the applicant must take full responsibility. The organizer cannot be held responsible and has the right to disqualify the offending applicant’s artwork and announce such results on the official website.

    4. Forms must be complete and accurate for each artwork submitted. If a form is missing or incomplete, and the applicant fails to resolve the problem after notification, the organizer will consider the applicant’s artwork disqualified and no further notice is required from the organizer.

    5. A series of artwork will be considered as one piece of artwork (one entry). If the concept of the artworks is similar, they will be considered as one piece of artwork (one entry) as well. The style of artworks should be varied if applicants utilized the same technique. The Organizer reserves the final right of review.

    6. The FRSP winning artworks of 2018 to 2023 are not eligible to apply for the 2025 RSP scholarship. The applications that have been submitted but have not been awarded will not be accepted.

    7. One applicant can receive no more than 3 scholarships total (i.e. 3 artworks, NTD$ 90,000 in total). If more than 3 artworks from one applicant enter the top 100, only the 3 artworks with the highest scores will be selected by the organizer.

    8. One applicant can submit up to 5 artworks. If more than 5 pieces are submitted from one applicant, only 5 artworks will be selected by the organizer according to the submission time, the others will not be accepted.

    9. Please do not repeat your submission, if the same artwork is submitted more than once, the organizer will only accept one submission according to the submission order.

    VIII. Bank Account Information

    1. Winners must submit complete and accurate bank account information. While the organizer will attempt to notify winners of any problems, incomplete, inaccurate, or incorrectly transmitted information may result in the applicant’s application being disqualified.

    2. The name on the bank account should match the winner’s name; if not, the organizer can consider this discrepancy as grounds for disqualification and disregard the applicant’s entry.

    IX. FRSP Review Process

    1. FRSP will conduct reviews of each application and artwork to ensure they meet qualification criteria.

    2. The organizer will randomly select several entries, and contact these applicants’ schools to verify their enrollment status or confirm graduation dates. If the organizer deems an applicant unqualified, no further notice will be issued.

    3. FRSP Judging Criteria:
    All entries submitted to the project will be reviewed by judges independently. The judging criteria are divided into four categories.

    (1)Innovation (25%): The degree of innovation in the function, materials, and concept of the work.
    (2)Aesthetics (25%): The presentation or the arrangement of the materials.
    (3)Content (25%) refers to the artistic concept and expressive content of the entry.
    (4)Craftsmanship (25%): The craftsmanship skills in terms of the porcelain making techniques or incorporation of multiple materials.

    4. Rising Star Project Judges: To be announced on the official website in June 2025.

    5. The scholarship selection is based on the total points given by the judges. FRSP scholarships will be awarded to the top 100 artworks that meet all qualifications.

    X. Others Considerations

    1. Applicants who participate in the FRSP will be seen as acknowledging the FRSP regulations. The FRSP retains the final explanatory right for every document and information regarding the FRSP.

    2.FRSP applicants must grant the right to use applicants’ portrait, images of artworks entered, and other images to FRSP. This release will allow FRSP to utilize these images for such purposes including, but not limited to, promotion, publication, announcements, exhibitions, decorations, and any media coverage regarding non-profit promotion for FRSP.

    3. The organizer has the right to extend or shorten the application and evaluation periods, depending on the situation.

    4. Employees of the organizer cannot apply to FRSP.

    5. This agreement has been prepared in both English and Traditional Chinese. In the event of any inconsistency, the Traditional Chinese version shall apply and be binding upon the parties.

  • Rules of 2024/2025 FRSA
    I. Number of FRANZ Rising Star Award (FRSA) Winners

    The top 10 artworks of the 2024/25 FRSS will be selected for the FRANZ Rising Star Award (hereinafter referred to as FRSA).

    II. FRSA Prize

    1. FRSA Certificate of Achievement.

    2. Right to use the FRSA winner logo. The right to use the FRSA winner logo is restricted to winning entries and valid in perpetuity. A Logo premium is not necessary, but the image and advertisement use of the FRSA winner logo should be reported to the FRSA authority. The organizer will save those images and videos.

    3. Winners of FRSA 2025 will receive a special reward that will be announced by the organizer at a later date.

    4. If the winner cannot accept the special reward due to any reason, he/she will be considered to be waiving his/her right. No equivalent reward or prize money is offered for replacement.

    5. The 2025 special reward is subject to change according to the collaborating partners each year. Please refer to the announcement of the organizer.

    III. FRSA Announcement

    1. The FRSA will be announced along with the FRSS on 27 October (Mon), 2025, at 18:00 on the official website. The announcement time is according to GMT+8, where the organizer is located.

    2. FRSA will not publically post the judges’ ranking. The judges’ final selections will be listed alphabetically by the artwork’s first name.

    3. Should there be any sales opportunity provided by the co-organizer of the 2024/25 FRSP, the Organizer will relay such information to the winners of 2024/25 FRSA and will not be involved or be part of such commercial activity.

    4. Winners of 2024/25 FRSA will be responsible for all expenses occurred including packaging, transport, insurance, custom fee, and shipping of their works to exhibitors provided by the co-organizer of 2024/25 FRSP. The organizer will not be held liable for any loss and/or damage during transport of the artwork.

    IV. Selection Procedure

    The FRSA selection procedure, judging criteria and judges are the same as FRSP scholarship.

    V. Others Considerations

    1. Applicants who participate in the FRSP will be seen as also acknowledging the FRSA regulations. The FRSA retains the final explanatory right for every document and information regarding to the FRSA.

    2. FRSA winners must grant the right to use the portrait, images of artworks entered, and other images to FRSP. This release will allow FRSP to utilize these images for such purposes including, but not limited to, promotion, publication, announcements, exhibitions, decorations, and any media coverage, regarding non-profit promotion for FRSP.

    3. The organizer has the right to extend or shorten the application and evaluation periods, depending on the situation.

    4. This agreement has been prepared in both English and Traditional Chinese. In the event of any inconsistency, the Traditional Chinese version shall apply and be binding upon the parties.

  • Rules of 2024/2025 RSFP
    Rising Star Future Prize (RSFP) and FRANZ Rising Star Project (FRSP) are adjusted to a biennale project since 2020, which will be held in every odd year.

    I. Number of Awards

    Rising Star Future Prize (hereinafter referred to as RSFP) will award a total of five works. First Prize for one, Second Prize for one, Third Prize for 1 and Excellence Award for 2.

    II. Amount of Prize Money.

    1. RSFP First prize: USD 20,000, Second Prize: USD 10,000, Third prize: USD 5,000, Excellence Award: USD 2,000.

    2. The prize money will be paid in USD, RMB, TWD, or EUO based on the exchange rate on the day of transfer.

    3. The organizer will proceed with the prize money transfer once confirmed receiving the winning artwork. Please note that the incidental expenses, including but not limited to the ROC taxes and remittance handling fee, will be deducted from the prize amount. The organizer is responsible for the freight charge and shipping insurance cost.

    4. RSFP is divided into two stages, preliminary selection and final shortlists. For the shortlisted 5 entries, the applicants shall provide a video recording the process of making such entry and send the entry to the address determined by the organizer. The transportation cost and transportation insurance fee of the entry are borne by the organizer, but the applicant shall bear the responsibility of complete transportation. If the entry is damaged due to incomplete packaging, it will be disqualified. If the applicant fails to provide the entry, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the qualification and fill the vacancy accordingly.

    5. All RSFP-winning artwork will become the property of the organizer. If the artwork cannot be provided, the organizer has the right to disqualify the applicant’s winning artwork and will fill the vacancy in order of precedence.

    III. RSFP Application Window

    From 5 March (Wed.), 2025, 12:00 noon to 31 July (Thu.), 2025, 12:00 noon. The application time is according to GMT+8, where the organizer is located.

    IV. RSFP Application Process

    Applicants can only apply to the RSFP through the online application. Please follow the instructions on the RSFP official website. The organizer will not accept applications submitted via any alternative methods.

    V. RSFP Scholarship Announcement

    27 October (Mon), 2025, 18:00 on the official website. The announcement time is according to GMT+8, where the organizer is located.

    VI. RSFP Application Qualification

    1. RSFP 20224/25 is open to any individuals. Nationality, occupation, age and gender are not qualifying factors.

    2. Entries applying for FRSS are not directly qualified for winning FRSA or accepted for RSFP selection. Additional application is required. The applicant may tick the box on the registration form to be eligible for selection.

    VII. RSFP Entry Qualification

    1. Qualifications for applying for RSFP are not limited to identity, location, gender, age, and current occupation, only that the entry having applied for RSFP or participated in other porcelain competitions cannot be submitted. The artist may apply for RSFP with another piece. Except the personal record for the artwork in personal social media, personal official website and personal blog etc.

    2. The entry itself must be more than 50% porcelain. As for the proportion of porcelain in the work, the organizer has the final right of review.

    3. The artwork must be original. If the organizer is informed that a submitted artwork is a counterfeit, an imitation, or otherwise infringes on the copyright and originality of another artist’s existing artwork, the applicant must take full responsibility. The organizer cannot be held responsible and has the right to disqualify the offending applicant’s artwork and announce such results on the official website.

    4. Forms must be complete and accurate for each artwork submitted. If a form is missing or incomplete, and the applicant fails to resolve the problem after notification, the organizer will consider the applicant’s artwork disqualified and no further notice is required from the organizer.

    5. A series of artwork will be considered as one piece of artwork (one entry). If the concept of the artworks is similar, they will be considered as one piece of artwork (one entry) as well. The style of artworks should be varied if applicants utilized the same technique. The Organizer reserves the final right of review.

    6. One applicant can receive only one RSFP award, i.e. 1 artwork. If the winning artwork is also submitted to FRSP, considering the principle of not repeating being awarded, the winning artwork will not be listed in FRSS and FRSA and compete with other participants.

    7. One applicant can submit up to 5 artworks, including FRSP’s artworks. If more than 5 pieces are submitted from one applicant, only 5 artworks will be selected by the organizer according to the submission time, the others will not be accepted.

    8. Please do not repeat your submission, if the same artwork is submitted more than once, the organizer will only accept the submission based on the latest upload time.

    VIII. Bank Account Information

    1. Winners must submit complete and accurate bank account information. While the organizer will attempt to notify winners of any problems, incomplete, inaccurate, or incorrectly transmitted information may result in the applicant’s application being disqualified.

    2. The name on the bank account should match the winner’s name; if not, the organizer can consider this discrepancy as grounds for disqualification and disregard the applicant’s entry.

    IX. RSFP Review Process

    1. RSFP panel will verify the qualifications of the applicants and the affiliated entries, conduct the preliminary selection process, and decide the final shortlists.

    2. The organizer will randomly select several entries, ensuring applicants’ qualification. If the organizer deems an applicant unqualified, no further notice will be issued.

    3. RSFP Judging Criteria:
    All entries submitted to the project will be reviewed by judges independently. The judging criteria are divided into four categories.

    (1) Innovation (25%): The degree of innovation in the function, materials, and concept of the work.
    (2) Aesthetics (25%): The presentation or the arrangement of the materials.
    (3) Concept (25%): The connection between the design concept and RSFP’s theme.
    (4) Craftsmanship (25%): The craftsmanship skills in terms of the porcelain making techniques or incorporation of multiple materials.

    4. Rising Star Future Prize Judges: To be announced on the official website in June 2025.

    5. The prize selection is based on the total points given by the judges. RSFP will be awarded to the top 5 artworks that meet all qualifications.

    X. Others Considerations

    1. Applicants who participate in the RSFP will be seen as acknowledging the RSFP regulations. The RSFP retains the final explanatory right for every document and information regarding the RSFP.

    2.RSFP applicants must grant the right to use applicants’ portraits, images of artworks entered, and other images to RSFP. This release will allow RSFP to utilize these images for such purposes including, but not limited to, promotion, publication, announcements, exhibitions, decorations, and any media coverage regarding non-profit promotion for RSFP.

    3. The organizer has the right to extend or shorten the application and evaluation periods, depending on the situation.

    4. Employees of the organizer cannot apply to RSFP.

    5. This agreement has been prepared in both English and Traditional Chinese. In the event of any inconsistency, the Traditional Chinese version shall apply and be binding upon the parties.

  • Quick Guide to Uploading your Artworks
    Quick Guide to Uploading your Artworks

    In order to make your applying process as smooth as possible, we suggest you read the information thoroughly before signing up and uploading your images. Be sure to follow the required formats below.

    A|Academic Information (only for FRSS)
    Acceptable Qualification (*Either way is fine)
    (1)Certificate of Enrollment (*Should be signed by your professor)
    (2)Student’ ID card
    (4)Graduation certificate of 2024/2025
    *Picture specification|JPG, The Maximum file size if 1MB for 1 pic, 72dpi

    B|Artwork Information
    (1)Original artwork|minimum 1 pic, Maximum for 5 pics
    Format|JPG, No larger than H*W 825 X 1100, The Maximum file size is 1MB for 1 pic, 72dpi

    (2)FRSP Gallery Thumbnail|Only 1pic(will be used for exhibiting on FRS Gallery)
    Format|JPG, No larger than H*W 600 X 960, The Maximum file size is 1MB for 1 pic, 72dpi

    (3)Artwork Thumbnail|Only 1pic
    Format|JPG, No larger than H*W 500 X 500, The Maximum file size is 1MB for 1 pic, 72dpi

    (NOTE: Both resolution requirements are the same on FRSP and RFSP.)

    C | Video Specifications (Only RSFP applicants):
    Entry Video | A video shooting the entry in 360º. Applicants of the shortlisted 5 entries shall provide the video of making such entry.
    Video Specification | MP4 / H*W 1920 x 1080 / Resolution 1080p
    Video Uploading Guide |
    Please upload the video to the cloud and share the URL of the file
    (Applicants from mainland China are recommended to use Baidu Cloud; Applicants from other countries are recommended to use Google Drive or YouTube)
    Please do not encrypt the file in case the judges are unable to read it. The applicant will bear the consequences if the file cannot be opened successfully.
    File Name Example:
    English name of the file_English name of the author

    D|Number of characters on Title and concept of artwork
    1.Chinese Version:
    (1)Title of artwork|Both Chinese and English(limited to 50 words)
    (2)Concept of artwork|Chinese(limited to 250 words) and English(limited to 450 words)
    (3)Further Explanation|Either Chinese or English(limited to 1200 words)

    2.English Version:
    (1)Title of artwork|English(limited to 50 words)
    (2)Concept of artwork|English(limited to 450 words)
    (3)Further Explanation| English(limited to 1200 words)

    (NOTE: FRSP allows traditional/simplified Chinese and English application only.)

    If you have any questions, please contact us at info@franzproject.com


Award Winner


  • Gold Award


  • Silver Award


  • Bronze Award


  • FRANZ Rising Star Award




Future Award

Future Prize